Construction Salaries: A Lot Bigger Than You’d Think ​

Chances are you’ve spent lots of time stuck indoors this past year — more so than you’d prefer.


A Foreman’s Perspective; How Construction Has Changed

A Build Your Future Arizona investor with a formal Diversity policy worth emulating, is DP Electric.


Mental Health: Building a Strong Foundation

In the building and construction industry, we know the importance of starting with a solid foundation.


Arizona Construction Companies Lead by Example, Promote Work/Life Balance

These days, many employers take work/life balance seriously, with whole industries springing up to support employee wellness programs.


Transition into Skilled Crafts from Another Industry

If you’re currently working in a different industry but find yourself curious about construction, don’t hesitate!


Nick Catona – Interview with a Construction Manager

​When Nick Catona moved to Arizona from Chicago in 2005, his life was on a completely different track.


Tracy Sanders – Mentoring and Career Path

Tracy Sanders works at Sundt as the Social Responsibility & Community Development Coordinator.


Job Seeker Profile – How do you use the job seeker profile to your advantage?

Are you a current job seeker who is looking for a position in the construction industry?


Did You Achieve Your 2020 Goals?

Every year, we create a new list of goals – Finish building the backyard planters, save a little more money, run a 5k… Even though we always start with the best intentions, just 7 percent of US adults claim to have stuck with all of their 2019 goals last year.


Is Adaptability Your Most Valued Quality?

As we duck and weave the challenges of social distancing, sick family members, and a dipping economy, adaptability has been among the most important attributes a person can have.
