December 7, 2020
 | Blogs

Did You Achieve Your 2020 Goals?

Every year, we create a new list of goals – Finish building the backyard planters, save a little more money, run a 5k… Even though we always start with the best intentions, just 7 percent of US adults claim to have stuck with all of their 2019 goals last year. With 2020 in the rearview mirror, you may be looking back at your resolutions and wondering what happened. This year was filled with obstacles, but it was also full of opportunities.

If you wrote down “travel more,” that box was likely left unchecked. But if your goal was “spend more time with family” or “go hiking with the dog,” 2020 was the perfect year for you to achieve your goals. When it comes to work goals, many trade jobs operated under unique circumstances. Social distancing, masks, and procedural adjustments offered new challenges in 2020 and will likely adapt the way we work forever.

2021 will, at least, start with the same procedures in place. Rather than begrudge the changes as inconveniences, high achievers will see the new normal as an opportunity to grow and lead. Here are three goal inspirations for 2021 that will make you a better worker by the end of the year.​​


1. Pursue training opportunities

No matter what phase of your career you are in, leaders know that learning is essential. Build Your Future Arizona can connect you with training centers and organizations that will help you to further your expertise and make you more valuable. Especially in trade industries, standards and practices are evolving every day. Stay up to date or start a new career by making training and education a priority.​​


2. Set Goals for the new year that motivate you

The last year hasn’t been easy for all of us. We have been through a pandemic and faced with so many other outside factors that caused undue stress to many of us emotionally. As a result, you may be finding it hard to stay motivated. But your goals can be as easy as keeping your room organized throughout the year or picking up a new skill with your hands. However, be sure that those goals are S.M.A.R.T. goals, meaning they are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-oriented. By following the S.M.A.R.T model, you are sure to feel motivated because you are not biting off more than you can chew. Not every goal you set is going to be easily attainable, there will be some hardship. But you’ll never grow if you don’t push yourself to accomplish those goals.


3. Design your five-year career map

The next five years of your career could decide the following 20. Creating a career map will help you to visualize where you are now and where you want to go. As you lay out the roles you want over the next years, list the qualifications, support, and experience you will need to get there. You can begin to design your career map here.


4. Create a vision board

Once you’ve had the chance to write out your goals and map out your five-year career map in the trades, another great exercise to gear up for goal completion in 2021 is a vision board. According to the Huffington Post, visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do. The board is there to help you bring your visions to life. Use clippings from a magazine, old pictures of family or notes between friends where you shared all your hopes and dreams.

Just put anything on the vision board that speaks to you and the future you hope to establish for yourself. Include notes about your five-year plan or images that inspire you to reach those goals you uncovered when exploring the career map. Make it fun and do it with a group of friends! This same group can then hold you accountable for some of the commitments that you place on your board. However, don’t feel contained to one vision board! Be sure to revisit and start from scratch with a new vision for yourself throughout the year. Compare your vision boards, see how you have grown, see how have you changed and developed. You’ll be surprised how much you find out about yourself and your goals!


5. Craft at home

Make your work is your passion. Taking your work home with you doesn’t have to feel like a chore. In fact, using your skills learned on the worksite to improve your life at home is a great way to stay passionate and try new things without limitations. Whether you are remodeling a part of your home or crafting something in your garage, finding new hobbies is a great goal. It also will help to keep your hands busy and focused on completing a project that you can be proud of!

Are you building a career in the trade industry? Explore exciting professions and start piecing together your pathway to success at Build Your Future Arizona.