October 16, 2020
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5 Traits Employers Love to See

Writing a resumé might feel like yelling into a void. More accurately, it’s like getting mid-level tickets to a concert in a stadium. No matter how loud you yell, you may never get the attention of the lead singer. These tips will help you get that backstage pass to meet your potential employer face to face.

1. Show Your Vision for the Future

Employers want to see that you are motivated to grow. List goals for training, accreditations you plan to obtain and other long-term strategies. This shows your commitment to your career and assures employers that you won’t be complacent in your role. For example, if you helped pave the way for a club at school or started an organization in your community, that demonstrates leadership. Employers want to see that you are investing effort in building a stronger foundation for the future of your community.

2. Honesty Is the Only Policy

Yes, it’s tempting to exaggerate the details a bit. But there are only two outcomes to dishonesty in a resumé: Either you fool them now, only to disappoint them later, or you risk your dishonesty being uncovovered during the interview. For a potential employer, dishonesty is an instant dealbreaker. The good news is that it doesn’t take much to stand out from the crowd by being honest—up to 85% of people lie on their resumés. So when an employer senses that you are being truly genuine about your experience, that builds trust. And trust is incredibly important during the interview process. State your abilities truthfully. The honest truth is, you’re probably more qualified than you think!

3. Give Examples of When You Took Initiative

“I’m a self-starter” is a mainstay of just about every resumé. Make yourself stand out by giving short, concise examples of when you looked beyond the obvious to provide a solution. In two sentences or less, explain moments when you rose to the occasion or resolved an issue without relying too much on others. Be sure that the examples you provide display your willingness to find the resources available to you and without being told to do so. Employers appreciate someone who is willing to act quickly and take ownership in solving a problem.

4. Prove Your Passion for the Work

Are you fascinated by electric circuits? Did you build a cabin with your father as a child? Have you always dreamed of creating a building that you can show your grandkids as a legacy? Share what drives you to be great at your job. Not only will this show your passion, personal details will make your application more memorable. Passion is not something that can be taught, and potential employers understand how pivotal passionate employees are to the success of their organizations.

5. Are You a Team Fit?

This can be the hardest part to communicate before a face-to-face interview. But employers care deeply about ensuring a healthy company culture. In the U.S., 91% of managers say a candidate’s alignment with company culture is equal to, or more important than, skills or experience. Every company has its own culture, and showing your personality and working style will help you land in a scenario that is mutually beneficial. While staying professional, make sure that your personality stands out in your application. It’s also important to do some research prior to your interview. As you research your potential future employer, pay attention to what’s written on their website regarding the company’s values and mission. This will help you to better understand how you fit into the bigger picture.

What tips have helped you in your job search? Share insights when you follow our social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. Connect with us to find careers in construction and learn more at BYFAZ.org.